the outcome
From simple paper, blank or imprinted, white or colored, whole or cut already, you can create true works of art. Quilling is a hobby so pleasant, that can be learned very quickly! In fact, it is likely to be easier to learn it than to say it out loud the name! In other words, hard to say, easy to do ˘! About diction, but also about the amazing applications of this passion whose only risk is that it can thrill you before you figure out, we will talk together at our course dedicated to quilling.
Recycling equation: 3 X R = Q, or how three different words (recycling, reusing, reconditioning) may have the same meaning: quilling! Develop your ecocreativitatea, making used office paper in original and beautiful objects with the quilling workshop!
Known as paper filigree technique, Quilling involves the use of strips of paper in unexpected and unlimited ways,like our imagination. The course presents the artistic possibilities offered by this technique, teaching us how to introduce them each on our day by day life.