Practical exercises to increase self-confidence


the outcome

“Believe in yourself and everything will be fine!” We hear it everywhere, every day: in motivational speaking, in magazines, in advertising, videos and movies. It has become a commonplace, but whatever they say, it’s hard to argue: self confidence helps, even more than anything else. More than your innate abilities, even more than the knowledge you have acquired. All you have to do, therefore, is to work at this chapter: easyto say say and easier to do, if you come to the course Practical exercises to increase self-confidence!
From good self esteem to better business results is only one step. You can make it with Practical excercises to increase self-confidence workshop!

WORKSHOP DETAILS “Practical exercises to increase self-confidence”

In a way that is very practical and easy to apply, we learn ways and means to increase self-confidence in everyday life, so we can escape the unbearable feeling of inferiority; we can remove the uncertainty that we feel when we communicate with others; we can express what we want; we can master anxiety and stage fright that we have when we sustain an idea; and we can easily capture the attention of others, and those around will like and respect us.




What say theHobby learner.

  • It was the first time I ever participated in such workshops. Before, I never thought I could be an artist, but the workshop I attended changed my opinion about myself and encouraged me to continue to do what I've learned. Now, I know how to makevarious things, that beautifies and cheer my house, or I can offer it as gifts. I met new colleagues and we all felt that the time spent together, learning to do new things, was like a discharge, breaking the rhythm!
    Angela Popescu, PETROM
  • First of all, the Bread Workshop is a unique course, nowhere to be found but here! I was tempted to make my bread at home, but I was kind of intimidated by the subject. It was a practical and pleasant workshop, because I could relax while working, with my hands in flour, water and yeast. The biggest gain? Now I can quickly prepare bread at home! After the workshop, I decided to become the family baker. Definitely breaking the rhythm of my daily life style, that energized me!
    Daniela Ciocianu
  • Atelierul de paine este in primul rand un curs unic pe care nu l-am regasit nicaieri! Ma tenta sa imi fac painea acasa, insa ma cam intimida subiectul. A fost un curs practic si placut, pentru ca m-am relaxat muncind, cu mainile in faina, apa si drojdie. Cel mai mare castig? Acum pot sa pregatesc rapid painea acasa! Dupa curs, am hotarat sa devin brutarul familiei. Cu siguranta o rupere de ritm fata de stilul meu zilnic de viata, care m-a incarcat de energie!
    Daniela Ciocianu, OTP Bank
Andreea Sas

theHobby vision

Here at TheHobby we know that passions are more than just a way of leisure. Through passion, we learn more about ourselves. We learn new things, which increases our confidence in our abilities and qualities. We exercise our curiosity and creativity, which helps us to find innovative solutions anywhere: at home, at the office, in the relationships with the others, not only during workshop. Practicing a hobby, we fight with routine and stress, which leads us to begin each new day with fully charged batteries, to be more productive and always see the world with new eyes.

Andreea Sas